Guidance Officer Support
Nirimba Primary School has a full-time Guidance Officer who contributes to the development of comprehensive student support and wellbeing programs. Guidance Officers work with students, support teachers, assist families and liaise with external specialists and external support providers to achieve the best educational outcomes for all students. The Guidance Officer is able to provide relevant referrals, advice and counselling on educational, behavioural, personal, social, family and mental health and wellbeing concerns. Nirimba Primary School also has access to a Student Wellbeing Psychologist who services the school. The Student Wellbeing Psychologist works closely with the Guidance Officer to provide early intervention and prevention strategies to students who display signs of mild to moderate mental health issues.
Student Intervention Meetings
Student Intervention Meetings (SIM) occur fortnightly with members of the school support team consisting of the Principal, Deputy Principals, Guidance Officer, Inclusion Teacher and Class Teacher. These meetings are held to discuss concerns and triage support requirements and intervention strategies for Tier 1 and 2 students across a range of areas. Identified areas of support include cognitive, social-emotional, behavioural, physical and sensory needs. Prior to presenting a student at the meeting, teachers will contact parents to discuss the concerns and obtain parental permission for the student to be presented at the next meeting.
Complex Case Management
Complex Case Management (CCM) Meetings are held fortnightly to discuss students with complex needs who are managed by the Guidance Officer. The purpose of the meetings is to discuss and review the support requirements of students in Out-of-Home-Care and Tier 3 students who require significant social, emotional or behavioural support. Students who are identified as a complex case are also engaged with external organisations, professionals and/or are in care and require a case management approach. Students are referred for Complex Case Management through the Student Intervention Meetings, by the Principal or Guidance Officer.
External Referrals
The Guidance Officer is able to make relevant referrals with parental consent to local support services. The school has partnered with the Salvation Army this year to provide support through the Family Pathways Program. The purpose of the program is to support families, identify needs, build capacity and link in with external services and access relevant supports. Referrals can also be made to the Baringa Community Centre, Family and Child Connect, Intensive Family Support, Child and Youth Mental Health Services depending on the type of support required.
Other Departmental Support Services
Occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech-language pathology and nursing services are also available within the Department of Education to support Nirimba Primary School to meet the needs of students through differentiation, planning individualised support strategies and working with staff to build capability. Advisory Visiting Teachers also support classroom and inclusion staff to implement a range of adjustments to address student needs.
Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy
Occupational therapy and Physiotherapy services support schools to identify and address barriers to access, participation and achievement for students with disability in all aspects of school life. Both services support students where the functional impact of the disability means that schools need assistance to identify and implement reasonable adjustments. Occupational therapists and physiotherapists work with the school team to determine the best way to deliver services to meet school needs.
Speech-Language Pathology
Speech-Language Pathology services support students with speech, language and communication difficulties or with eating and drinking difficulties who are experiencing barriers to learning. The speech-language pathologist works collaboratively as part of the school team to build capability, adjust curriculum to meet the diverse needs of learners with speech language communication difficulties, identify and monitor the needs of students and implement evidence-based strategies to support students.
Nursing Service
State School Registered Nurses work with schools to ensure that staff have the confidence and capability they need to support the health and safety of students with health support needs at school. This includes assessment, risk management, health management planning, training and ongoing support and supervision for staff that perform student's health procedures.
*Adapted from Student Support Services & Therapy and Nursing Services, Department of Education (2020 - 2022)
Advisory Visiting Teachers (AVT's)
AVT's are departmental teachers with specialist knowledge and skills in specific disability areas. The main role of the AVT is to support school staff to make reasonable adjustments to support the student's access and participation in their education program. They assist teachers in the implementation of individualised programs and targeted supports for students with a disability or other identified area of need.