Nirimba State Primary School is located in the suburb of Nirimba and is part of the Caloundra electorate of the Sunshine Coast and provides a high-quality educational service to students and families of Nirimba and surrounding suburbs.
Opening in January 2022, Nirimba State Primary School caters for all students in Prep to Year 6. The school’s vision is focused on providing students who attend Nirimba State Primary School with a great education that is enriched with a variety of curricula and extra curricula opportunities.
With state-of-the-art facilities and a modern teaching environment, students have access to purpose-built Science, Robotics, Performing and Creative Arts and Sporting spaces and classrooms.
The school’s intended strategic focus from 2022 will centre on the following initiatives and projects:
- STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics is integral to our teaching and learning approach with a strong focus on creative and performing arts for all year levels.
- Sustainability – A sustainability precinct will form part of a community garden. This area will enable students to grow and sell produce (entrepreneurship) and enrich their learning in biological sciences and the use of technology.
- The Arts – All students will have opportunities to engage in all five areas of the Arts under the Australian Curriculum: Music, Drama, Dance, Visual Art and Media Art.
- Sporting Excellence – Our intention is to form strong partnerships with existing community sporting organisations to develop Sporting Excellence Hubs across a number of sporting codes.
- Global Citizens – Encouraging our students to think globally but act locally through curriculum and project-based learning on globally-centred tasks and inquiry. Japanese is also offered from Prep to support the acquisition of an additional language from an early age.
Nirimba State Primary School is focused on being an inclusive school and a school that appropriately supports the learning of all students. Our belief is that all students have the right to a great education in a safe and supportive environment that promotes students’ individual talents and interests.