Nirimba State Primary School prioritises the delivery of all 5 strands of The Australian Curriculum: The Arts. This is a learning area that draws together the related but distinct art forms of Music, Dance, Drama, Visual Arts and Media Arts. While these art forms have close relationships and are often used in interrelated ways, each involves different approaches to arts practices and critical and creative thinking that reflect distinct bodies of knowledge, understanding and skills. Our school has a dedicated, specialist Arts teacher that delivers excellent Music, Dance and Drama programs to all students from Prep to Year 6. Visual and Media Arts are taught in each classroom in creative and flexible ways, supported by our specialist teacher.
Nirimba students will participate in specialist Music lessons each week throughout the year and will participate in a semester each of a specialised Dance and Drama program. They will develop specialised skills to 'make' or 'respond to' different forms of art in a variety of ways.